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TweedleWink Classroom At Home: Online Course (0-6 years old)

Our TweedleWink program is a Montessori-inspired, heart-based approach to learning founded 30 years ago by Pamela Sue Hickein. It is designed to maximize your child’s natural sponge-like learning state - a very special “right brain window” of time when the brain is wide open to input of all kinds. Dr. Maria Montessori called it the "absorbent mind."

This recorded lesson option is suitable for younger children ages from 0 to 6 years old. Each lesson is 30-35 minutes long.

What's included in this course?

This 48-week online course is consisted of 48 weekly lessons conducted by our certified TweedleWink teacher, and a set of downloadables.

Why online?

It offers a flexible schedule. It's perfect for busy parents who cannot be tied down to a specific time for the lessons, but don't want to miss the right brain window for their child's absorbent mind. The online lessons contain a wealth of input to build rich neural networks during these precious early years to form the foundation for future learning!

Here's what your child will learn each week:

  • Character-Building: Positive Affirmations
  • Vision: Eye Exercises
  • Reading: Phonics; Sound Box; Whole Words: Word Building: Riddles
  • Great Me Story Time
  • Science
  • World Cultures
  • Vocabulary
  • Math
  • Music: Musical Notation, Perfect Pitch, and Rhythm
  • Art